The New Jersey Council on Developmental Disabilities
The NJCDD addresses these needs through systems change and capacity-building efforts that promote self-determination, integration and inclusion for people with developmental disabilities
By: Jeremy Einbinder A notable problem for the disability community is that we often do not get to be the center of our own stories, whether they are wonderful
By: Jeremy Einbinder One of the most comprehensive government programs in the United States is Medicaid, which is tasked with providing healthcare and funding for support services to people
In a previous post, the council explored the potential effects of the ADA Reform and Education Act, a proposed law which recently passed the House of Representatives. Now that
By: Jeremy Einbinder With 2018 underway, the Trump administration continues to celebrate the passage of the first major tax reform in decades. While there are some aspects that could
There are many ways in which it is important for people with disabilities to participate in society, and governments, and the general public have made some strides toward full
Individuals with disabilities are known to have difficulties finding employment at a higher rate than their non-disabled counterparts, and despite visible efforts to get a class of people who
On Tuesday, November 07, New Jersey voter will choose our next governor. Whomever voters choose to lead our state government over the next four years, it is important for
By: Jeremy Einbinder In what could be a big win for the disability rights movement, a non-profit activist group filed a class action lawsuit in July alleging that the