New Jersey Council on Developmental Disabilities (NJCDD)

The NJCDD is federally authorized through the Developmental Disabilities Act as a self-governing organization charged with identifying the most pressing needs of people with developmental disabilities and their families in New Jersey and by advancing public policy and systems change activities.


To champion and advance advocacy, systems change, and capacity-building activities that honor the rich diversity of people with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (I/DD) and their families in creating structural change with lasting impact that promotes self-determination, community integration and inclusion.


All individuals with I/DD and their families have the resources, education and support to:

  • make real choices and have control;
  • have the freedom to strive and excel;
  • achieve personal goals; and
  • have the same rights, privileges, responsibilities, and opportunities as all New Jerseyans.


Reach all New Jerseyans with I/DD and their families by embracing cultural competence and linguistic responsiveness, and focusing on diversity, equity, and inclusion in our activities that provide opportunities for:

  • self-determination;
  • independence;
  • productivity;
  • community and individualized supports; and
  • inclusion in all aspects of community life.

In accordance with the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act 2000, the NJCDD develops and implements Five-Year State Planning Goals. The NJCDD Five-Year State Planning Goals for fiscal years (FY) 2017–2021 focus on several areas of significance to the developmental disabilities community including but not limited to:

• Self-Advocacy
• Family Training and Information
• Direct Support Staffing Issues
• Special Education Advocacy
• Employment
• Transportation
• Health and Wellness
• Housing

The NJCDD addresses these needs through systems change and capacity-building efforts that promote self-determination, integration, and inclusion for people with developmental disabilities.

Family Support Planning Councils: Operate statewide, in all 21 New Jersey counties, for education and long-term support for families of individuals with I/DD.

People First New Jersey: Local chapters help individuals with I/DD speak for themselves, help each other, and make sure their collective voices are heard.

Youth Leadership Training Program: Eight two-hour training sessions teach young people with I/DD a variety of skills needed to help them become better self-advocates.

In an effort to work towards established goals and objectives, the NJCDD has taken positions and made clarifying statements regarding:

Direct Support Professionals
Restraints and Seclusion
Disability Rights
Healthcare Access

NJCDD issues grant funding to help promote the five-year plan’s goals and objectives. Grantees are innovative organizations and programs that provide services to people with I/DD. Each fiscal year, the Council issues requests for funding proposals and accepts proposals from qualified applicants. Grants may be awarded on a single or multi-year basis.

NJCDD produces a variety of free resource materials designed to support individuals with I/DD and their families including, but not limited to:

People & Families: A nationally-recognized quarterly publication highlighting organizations, programs, and people who make positive changes for the individuals with I/DD and their families.

NJ Common Ground: Published three times per year, Common Ground shares information about issues impacting students with disabilities with broad range of stakeholders – general education teachers, parents, legislators, speech therapists, and others.

Eye on Advocacy E-Newsletter:Eye on Advocacy, a new NJCDD weekly e-newsletter focusing on important news and events for the I/DD community. It will be published every Tuesday and replaces the monthly Advocacy in Action e-newsletter.

Disability Focus Blog: Highlights important news, legislation, and current events that affect people with developmental disabilities and their families. Disability Focus provides commentary on issues that matter and new trends in our communities.

NJCDD Fact Sheet-8.5x11-2024

NJCDD Postcard

NJCDD Infographic Postcard English

NJCDD Infographic Postcard Spanish

NJ Resource Fact Sheet

Fact Sheet DRNJ, NJCDD, Boggs, Ombudsman English

Fact Sheet DRNJ, NJCDD, Boggs, Ombudsman Spanish