
The purpose of the New Jersey Council on Developmental Disabilities bylaws is to guide the Council in serving as an advocate for individuals with developmental disabilities and conducting or supporting programs, projects, and activities that carry out the purpose of the DD Rights Act.

Committee structure is assigned by the Executive Committee to work on special issues facing the Council. Standing committees and sub-committees are outlined in the bylaws.

Adopted Bylaws August 12, 2021

A. The name of this body shall be the New Jersey State Council on Developmental Disabilities.

A.The Council is authorized under the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act (DD Rights Act), P.L. 106-402, as subsequently amended and numbered.

B. State authorization of the Council is under P.L. 1979, chapter 105, as amended.

C. For the purpose of complying with the provisions of Article V, Section IV, paragraph 1 of the New Jersey Constitution, the State Council on Developmental Disabilities is allocated within the Department of Human Services, but, notwithstanding said allocation, the Council shall be independent of any supervision or control by the department or any board or officer thereof, or any other cabinet level department, board or officer thereof.

A. In accordance with the DD Rights Act, the purpose of the Council on Developmental Disabilities is to assure that individuals with developmental disabilities and their families participate in the design of and have access to needed community services, individualized supports, and other forms of assistance that promote self-determination, independence, productivity, integration and inclusion in all facets of life through culturally competent programs.

B. Consistent with its purpose, the mission of the Developmental Disabilities Councils, according to federal law, is to engage in advocacy, capacity building and systemic change activities that contribute to a coordinated, consumer- and family-centered, consumer-and family-directed comprehensive system that includes needed community services, individualized supports, and other forms of assistance that promote self-determination for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.

C. The Vision of the NJ Council on Developmental Disabilities is that all individuals with developmental disabilities are participating, equally included members of their neighborhoods and communities; make real choices and have control over their own lives; have the freedom to strive, excel, and make mistakes; are in a position to achieve personal goals, are in a position to affect policy and process decisions that affect their lives; and 2 have the same rights, privileges, responsibilities, and opportunities of citizenship as does any other New Jersey resident.

A.The DD Rights Act delineates the following responsibilities for Councils on Developmental Disabilities:

1. The Council shall serve as an advocate for individuals with developmental disabilities and conduct or support programs, projects, and activities that carry out the purpose of the DD Rights Act.

2. The Council shall determine annually the extent to which each goal of the Council was achieved, barriers that impeded achievement of the goal, amendments to the goals, and customer satisfaction with Council supported or conducted activities.

3. The Council shall develop a 5-Year State Plan (State Plan) and submit the State Plan to the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services after obtaining assurances from the N.J. Department of Human Services that the State Plan is consistent with state law.

4. The Council shall implement the State Plan by conducting and supporting advocacy, capacity building, and systemic change activities.

5. The Council shall periodically review the New Jersey Division of Developmental Disabilities and activities sponsored by the Council carried out by the Division and make any recommendations for change to the Governor.

6. The Council shall annually prepare and transmit to the Secretary a report containing information about the progress by the Council in achieving the goals of the Council.

7. The Council shall prepare, approve, and implement a budget.

8. The Council shall, consistent with state law, recruit, and hire an Executive Director of the Council, should the position of Executive Director become vacant, and annually evaluate the Executive Director.

B. The DD Rights Act states additional permissive activities of the Council.

1. The Council may support and conduct activities to assist neighborhoods and communities to respond positively to individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.

2. The Council may support and conduct activities to promote interagency collaboration and coordination to better serve, support, assist, or advocate for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.

3. The Council may support and conduct activities to eliminate barriers to access and use of community services by individuals with developmental disabilities, enhance systems design and redesign, and enhance citizen participation.

4. The Council may support and conduct activities to provide information to policymakers by supporting and conducting studies and analyses, gathering information, and developing and disseminating model policies and procedures, information, approaches, strategies, findings, conclusions, and recommendations.

5. The Council may support and conduct, on a limited time basis, activities to demonstrate new approaches to serving individuals with developmental disabilities that are part of an overall strategy for systems change.

6. The Council may support and conduct other advocacy, capacity building, and systemic change activities to promote the development of a coordinated, consumer- and family-centered, consumer- and family-directed, comprehensive system of community services, individualized supports, and other forms of assistance that contribute to the achievement of the purpose of the DD Rights Act.

A. The Council shall consist of a minimum of 25, but no more than 30, voting members.
Membership on the Council shall be divided into three classifications:

1. Public Members
Representatives of state agencies
Federally mandated members

C. Public Members

1. No less than 60% of the members of the Council shall be public members who are residents of New Jersey and appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the State Senate.

2. Terms of Office

a. Public members serve at the pleasure and discretion of the Governor, who can appoint and remove any member at any time.
A standard term for public members is three years with the possibility of reappointment for two additional three year terms.
c. Regardless of any stated term, public members continue to retain full voting membership until their resignation, removal, or until the Governor appoints a successor and the successor is qualified.
Public members of the Council who wish to resign during a current term shall notify in writing the Council Chair or the Council Executive Director, who will forward the resignation to the Governor’s office.

3. Qualifications for Public Members

a. One third of the Public Members shall be individuals with developmental disabilities; and
One third of the Public Members shall be parents or guardians of children with developmental disabilities or immediate relatives or guardians of adults with developmental disabilities; and
 One third of the Public Members shall be a combination of individuals with developmental disabilities, parents, or guardians of children with developmental disabilities and immediate relatives or guardians of adults with developmental disabilities.
At least one public member shall be an immediate relative or guardian of an individual with a developmental disability who resides or previously resided in an institution or shall be an individual with a developmental disability who resides or previously resided in an institution.
An individual who is an employee of a State agency that receives funds or provides services under Title 1, Subtitle B, of the DD Rights Act, or who is a managing employee (as defined in section 1126(b) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1320a–5(b)) of any other entity that receives funds or provides services under Part B of the DD Rights Act may not be a public member.

4. One additional public member shall be a representative of local and nongovernmental agencies, or private nonprofit groups concerned with services for individuals with developmental disabilities.
At the beginning of each State fiscal year, the Council shall forward to the Governor a list of all public members, their category of membership, date of first appointment to the Council, date(s) of any subsequent reappointment(s), as well as the number of vacant positions.
Self-advocates and family members who are members of the Council may forward recommendations for new public members of the Council to the Governor for the Governor’s consideration.

D. Representatives of State Agencies

1. Seven members of the Council shall be representatives of State agencies who shall serve ex officio at the pleasure of the Governor.
2. Five representatives shall be from designated entities that administer funds provided under federal laws related to individuals with developmental disabilities, including:

a. The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, currently the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services.
b. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, currently the Department of Education.
c. Title V of the Social Security Act (Material and Child Health Services Block Grant), currently the Department of Health and Senior Services.
d. The Older Americans Act of 1965, currently the Department of Human Services.
e. Title XIX of the Social Security Act (Medicaid), currently the Division of Medical Assistance & Health Services.

E. Federally Mandated Members

1. Council membership shall include federally mandated representatives selected by the head of the respective agencies as follows:

a. Disabilities Education, Research, and Service, and One representative from the University Center for Excellence in Developmental

b. One representative from the State protection and advocacy system.

F. Federally mandated members and State entities may appoint in writing, a designee who has immediate access to the appointed member and has sufficient authority to engage in policy planning and implementation on behalf of the department, agency, or program. Official designees of federally mandated members of agencies and organizations have the same right to participation and voting as the member they represent.

G. Council members shall serve without compensation but shall be reimbursed for reasonable and necessary expenses (including expenses for remote access to meetings, travel, child care and personal assistance) for attending Council meetings, other approved meetings and trainings, and performing Council duties.

A. Council Chairperson

1. The Chairperson of the Council shall be appointed by the Governor.

a. The Governor-appointed Chairperson must be a person with a developmental disability or a family member or guardian of a person with a developmental disability.

2. The duties of the Chairperson shall be to:

a. Preside at all meetings of the Council

b. Supervise the Executive Director, and with input from the Executive Committee, conduct an annual performance evaluation of the Executive Director

c. Represent and be a spokesperson for the Council at various national, state and local functions

d. Appoint the chairs of all standing committees, subcommittees and ad hoc committees of the Council

e. Chair the Executive Committee

f. In the case of excessive absences of federally mandated agency and organization members, contact the appropriate individual to assure representation of their department or agency.

g. On behalf of the Council, sign assurances for the State Plan.

B. Council Vice-Chairperson

1. The Vice-Chairperson shall be a member of the Council who is person with a developmental disability or the family member or guardian of a person with a developmental disability.

2. The Vice-Chairperson shall be elected by a simple plurality of the Council members.

3. The duties of the Vice-Chairperson shall be to:

a. Preside in the absence of the Chairperson at all meetings of the Council

b. Serve on the Executive Committee of the Council

c. Chair one committee or sub-committee

d. Carry out the other duties of the Chairperson should the Chairperson be unavailable or unable to carry out such duties.

e. The Vice Chair shall be a self-advocate if the Chair is a family advocate.

Standing Committees and Subcommittees:

1. Executive Committee

a. Self-Advocates Advisory Subcommittee

2. Legislative and Policy Committee

a. Children and Youth Subcommittee

b. Health and Wellness Subcommittee

3. State Plan Committee

a. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Subcommittee

4. Grants Committee

General Rules for Committees, Subcommittees, and Ad Hoc Committees

a. Committees exist with the consent of Council, and their work is subject to approval of the full Council except as otherwise specified in these bylaws.

b. Subject to the provision of these bylaws, all committees, with the exception of the Executive Committee, shall be advisory and shall not have the power to bind the Council except when specifically authorized by the Council to do so. Recommendations made by Standing Committees shall be presented to the Council for adoption in the form of a motion.

c. Committees shall meet at a date, time, and location determined by the Chair of the Committee.

d. Unless otherwise specified in these bylaws, the Chair and Executive Director of the Council, or their designee shall serve on all committees.

e. Council Committee Chairs may recommend membership of the Committee to the Chair for appointment by the Chair.

f. Council Committee Chairs are responsible to provide a current list of Committee members, including contact phone numbers and email addresses at least annually and whenever a change takes place to the Council’s Secretary.

g. Council Committee Chairs are responsible to work with the Council Committee staff liaison to set up meetings and distribute meeting notices, meeting agendas, meeting materials, and meeting notes.

h. An annual schedule of Committee meetings shall be established by December 1st for the following year.

i. Only Council coordinated venues and meeting platforms can be used when conducting Committee meetings.

j. Only the appointed Committee Chair or an alternate appointed Council member can preside over Committee meetings.

k. Council Committees shall monitor and respond to emerging issues and trends affecting individuals with I/DD and their families.

l. Standing Committees shall monitor and approve activities of any Subcommittees and Ad Hoc Committees assigned to them.

m. Chairs of Committees shall submit written reports to the Council two weeks prior to any scheduled public meeting of the Council.

n. Council Committees may not exceed a total of ten (10) appointed Council members, not including the Chair or the Chair’s designee.

o. If the number of Council members of any Committee is equal to or larger than the number of Council members required for a quorum of the full Council, the meetings of the Committee may be subject to the Open Public Meetings Act.

p. Comply with state and federal rules regarding allowable state agency and Council activities.

2. Membership of Committees

a. The Chairperson of the Council shall appoint the Chairs of the standing Committees at the annual meeting or whenever there is a vacancy.

(1) Only members of the Council who are persons with a developmental disability or the family member or guardian of a person with a developmental disability may Chair a Committee.

(2) Only Council members or the designees of state agency representatives or federally mandated members may serve as members on Standing Committees.

b. No Council Member shall serve as Chair for more than one Standing Committee or Subcommittee, [and this includes the Council Chairperson, who is Chairperson of the Executive Committee.]

c. When the Vice Chairperson is also the Chair of one of the Council’s Committees, the Council may select an additional Council member to serve on the Executive Committee.

B. Standing Committees

   A Executive Committee (not to exceed eight (8) members)

1. Membership

a. Chairperson of the Council

b. Vice Chairperson of the Council

c. Chair of the State Plan Committee

d Chair of the Public Policy Committee

e. Chair of the Grants Committee

f. Up to two Council members elected at large by a simple plurality of the Council members (at least one Council member elected must be a self-advocate)

g. One additional member may be selected by Chair of Council from any category of membership

2. Duties and responsibilities

a. Act on behalf of the full Council in all matters concerning the Council when it is not possible for the full Council to meet in accordance with the governing documents and the State Plan implementation.

b. Assure ongoing policies and procedures are in place and implemented consistently within Council bylaws and State and Federal mandates.

c. Oversee the Council’s administrative and programmatic budgets.

d. Monitor the Memorandum of Understanding between the Council and the Department of Human Services.

e. Report to the Council on the above activities.

f. Monitor, approve activities and supervise the Council’s Standing Committees, Subcommittees and Ad Hoc Committees.

g. Provide input to the Council Chair on the annual performance evaluation of the Executive Director.

h. Review Community Innovation Projects (CIPs) and make recommendations for approval to the Council.

(1) CIP awards shall not exceed $10,000 and applicants are limited to one award during the Council’s fiscal year.

(2) CIP approvals are to be reviewed and acted upon on a rolling timeline and acted upon as soon as practical.

i. Executive Committee members shall maintain confidentiality in all aspects of its role and responsibilities pertaining to personnel and contract matters.

j. See General Rules above

B. Public Policy Committee

(1) The members shall be responsible for reviewing legislative and public policy materials supplied by Council members, staff, and other sources.

(2) The members shall discuss and recommend positions the Council may take on issues that affect people with developmental disabilities and their families.

(3) Provide testimony and recommendations to the Legislature with regard to matters pertaining to people with I/DD and their families on positions taken by the Council.

(4) When necessary, take swift action on legislation and policy decisions that align with the Council’s policy positions, the State Plan and/or the DD Act as emerging issues arise.

(5) Utilizing the Council’s State Plan, conduct activities that align and fulfill the goals and objectives of the State Plan with the consent of the Executive Committee.

(6) Respond to other responsibilities as requested by the Council or in conjunction with other Committees.

(7) See General Rules above

b. State Plan Committee

(1) The members will gather data and information for the State Plan. The planning for the new State Plan will at least begin two years before it is due.

(2) The members will periodically review the progress towards completion of the current State Plan.

(3) Advise the Council on the collection and reporting of needs, including unmet needs, priorities and emerging issues.

(4) Make recommendations to the Council regarding policy priorities, goals and objectives for the State Plan,

(5) Make recommendations to the Grants Committee regarding suggested priorities and criteria for proposals.

(6) Respond to other responsibilities as requested by the Council or in conjunction with other Committees.

(7) See General Rules above

c. Grants Committee

(1) The members of the Grants Committee shall have no conflict of interest or perceived conflict of interest with any of the potential grantees in the current grants cycle.

(2) Utilizing the Council’s State Plan, conduct activities that align and fulfill the goals and objectives of the State Plan with the consent of the Executive Committee.

(3) The members will oversee the development of the Letters of Interest (LOI) and the Request for Proposals (RFP).

(4) The members shall read, evaluate, and meet with other committee members to discuss the LOI’s and RFP’s and to make recommendations to the full Council or Executive Committee for funding.

(5) The members will receive regular updates on current grantees and make recommendations to the full Council regarding continued funding.

(6) Respond to other responsibilities as requested by the Council or in conjunction with other Committees.

(7) See General Rules above

4. Subcommittees

a. Membership

(1) Membership of subcommittees of Council standing committees may include Council members, Council staff, and any member of the public who has an interest in the issues being addressed by the subcommittee on behalf of people with developmental disabilities and their families.

(2) The Chair of a subcommittee shall be a member of the DD Council appointed by the Chair of the Council.

b. Duties and responsibilities

(1) Subcommittees shall be assigned to and shall report to a Council Standing Committee.

(2) Subcommittees shall have no financial authority or responsibility.

(3) See General Rules above.

Self-Advocates Advisory Subcommittee

(1) Advise the Council as a voice for New Jerseyans with I/DD by promoting self-advocacy participation and peer advocacy that advances independence and inclusion.

(2) Be composed of self-advocates members of the Council and other self-advocates who are all encouraged to participate in the Subcommittee.

(3) Advise the Council regarding self-advocate needs related to serving the Council including matters in which to ensure participation and inclusion in all meetings.

(4) Advise the Council regarding policies, programs and any other areas affecting self-advocates in New Jersey and engage in other activities approved by the Council.

(5) Utilizing the Council’s State Plan, conduct activities that align and fulfill the goals and objectives of the State Plan with consent of the Executive Committee.

(6) Review materials and other Council produced information to evaluate and make recommendations regarding plain language approaches.

(7) Respond to other responsibilities as requested by the Council or in conjunction with other Committees.

(8) See General Rules above.

Children and Youth Subcommittee

(1) Advise the Council as a voice for New Jersey children and youth with I/DD by determining issues impacting children, youth and their families in access to related services.

(2) Be composed of youth and family advocates as well as state partners representative of the diversity in our state.

(3) Advise the Council on legislation and policies impacting children and youth with I/DD.

(4) Utilizing the Council’s State Plan, conduct activities that align and fulfill the goals and objectives of the State Plan with consent of the Public Policy Committee.

(5) Author letters of support and testify in children and youth with I/DD related matters.

(6) Respond to other responsibilities as requested by the Council or in conjunction with other Committees.

(7) See General Rules above.

Health and Wellness Subcommittee

(1) Advise the Council on health and wellness matters that impact individuals with I/DD and their families.

(2) Be composed of self-advocates and family advocates as well as state partners.

(3) Advise the Council on health and wellness related legislation and policies impacting individuals with I/DD.

(4) Utilizing the Council’s State Plan, conduct activities that align and fulfill the goals and objectives of the State Plan with consent of the Public Policy Committee.

(5) Respond to other responsibilities as requested by the Council or in conjunction with other Committees.

(6) See General Rules above.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Subcommittee

(1) Advise the Council on matters involving diversity, equity and inclusion of individuals with I/DD and their families in Council activities.

(2) Be composed of members of the Council and other advocates focused on diversity, equity and inclusion.

(3) Advise the Council regarding internal and external policies, activities and any other areas affecting individuals with I/DD and their families as it relates to diversity, equity and inclusion.

(4) Utilizing the Council’s State Plan, conduct activities that align and fulfill the goals and objectives of the State Plan as it relates to diversity, equity and inclusion with consent of the State Plan Committee.

(5) Review materials and other Council produced information to evaluate and make recommendations regarding diversity, equity and inclusion approaches.

(6) Respond to other responsibilities as requested by the Council or in conjunction with other Committees.

See General Rules above.


a. Membership

(1) The Chair of an Ad Hoc Committee shall be a member of the Council and appointed by the Council Chairperson.

(2) Membership of a Council Ad Hoc Committee may include Council members, Council staff, and members of the public who have expertise in the issue being addressed.

b. Duties and responsibilities

(1) An Ad Hoc Committee may be established for a particular purpose by the Council Chairperson.

(2) The minutes of the Council meeting where the Ad Hoc Committee is formed shall include the name of the Ad Hoc Committee, a statement of the purpose of the Ad Hoc Committee and the date when the Ad Hoc Committee shall be disbanded.

(3) An Ad Hoc Committee shall report to and be under the guidance of one of the Council’s Standing Committee.

(4) An Ad Hoc Committee shall have no financial authority or responsibility.

(5) See General Rules above.

A. Annual Meeting

1. The first Council meeting held on or after July 1 of each year shall be the Council’s annual meeting.

2. The elections for Council Vice-Chairperson and At-Large Member of the Executive Committee shall take place at the annual meeting.

a. If a vacancy occurs for either Council Vice-Chairperson or At-Large Members of the Executive Committee a special election shall be held at the next regularly scheduled Council meeting. The individual elected in the special election shall serve until the next annual meeting.

b. Nominations for Council Vice-Chairperson and At-Large Members of the Executive Committee shall be opened at the regular meeting of the Council before the annual meeting.

c. Individuals nominated shall, before the election, confirm to the Council Chairperson or the Executive Director their willingness to serve if elected.

d. Individuals nominated may submit a statement up to 50 words to be included on the written ballot.

C. The Council shall meet a minimum of four times a year.

D. Except as may otherwise be provided in these bylaws, the business of the Council shall conform to Roberts Rules of Order.

E. Council Meetings shall comply with the requirements of the Open Public Meetings Act.

G. An opportunity will be allocated at each public Council meeting to permit individuals who are not Council members to address the Council.

H. Special meetings may be called by the Council Chairperson, or by Executive Committee if the position of Council Chairperson is vacant.

I. The Council will provide necessary support and accommodations to Council members to ensure meaningful participation in all Council meetings and activities

J. Members will receive agenda, minutes of previous meeting, and any other relevant materials at least 10 days before scheduled meetings and at least 24 hours prior to a special meeting.

A. One-half of all current members, excluding vacant positions and previous members who have resigned, plus one shall constitute a quorum.

B. Each Council Member shall have one vote.

C. Council members who are unable to attend a Council meeting may participate and vote using available technology, including teleconferencing or video conferencing, upon notification to the secretary within three days of a scheduled Council meeting. If less than three days’ notice is given of the member’s inability to attend the meeting in person, the ability of the Council member to participate and vote by teleconferencing cannot be guaranteed.

D. The Council may authorize by majority vote of the members present, a vote by mail or other electronic means.

E. Mail in and/or electronic votes on urgent matters may be authorized by the Executive Committee.

A. Council members are expected to attend all Council meetings.

B. A Council member who is unable to attend a regular or special meeting of the Council must notify the Chair of the Council or Council staff, by telephone or email prior to the meeting. A committee member who is unable to attend a committee meeting must notify the Chair or Council staff of the committee by telephone or by email prior to the meeting.

C. The Council shall maintain a record of attendance of its members and the Chairperson shall send a letter to remind a member of his/her expected commitment to the Council after the second consecutive absence from a regular quarterly meeting. After a third consecutive absence, the Chairperson shall send a letter asking the member to consider resigning. After the fourth consecutive absence, the Executive Committee shall consider asking the Governor to remove the member from the Council.

A. Appointment and Supervision of Executive Director

1. The Council shall, consistent with State law policies, hire an Executive Director of the Council. The Executive Director shall be supervised and evaluated by the Council Chairperson, with input from the Executive Committee on the annual performance evaluation.

B. Duties of the Executive Director

1. The Executive Director shall hire and supervise the staff of the Council.

2. The Executive Director is responsible for carrying out the State Plan as established by the Council.

3. The Executive Director’s primary duties include working closely with the Council and its Chair in developing and implementing a specific and measurable State Plan activities that meets the requirements of the Developmental Disabilities Act.

4. The Executive Director is responsible for assuring that the Council is in compliance with all laws, all applicable federal and state regulations, and guidelines pertaining to the Developmental Disabilities Act.

5. The Executive Director serves as a primary liaison with the New Jersey Congressional Delegation, the New Jersey Legislature, department heads, service providers, and general public and is also responsible for keeping the Governor’s office apprised of the work of the Council.

6. The Executive Director is responsible for day to day operations of the Council including fiscal responsibilities.

7. The Executive Director is responsible to report any matter of non-compliance of Council members to the Chair and Executive Committee.

C. Other Staff

1. The Council shall have personnel adequate to insure that the Council has the capacity to fulfill its responsibilities.

A. The Council fiscal year shall be the federal Fiscal Year, October 1 through September 30.

A. Proposed amendments to these bylaws may be presented in writing by any member of the Council at any meeting of the Council for consideration and action at the following meeting.

B. Adoption of amendments to the bylaws shall require the approval of a two-thirds majority of the members present at a Council meeting at which a quorum is present.

C. The bylaws shall be reviewed every three years and when changes in federal or state law require review.

A. Membership on the Council is for the sole purpose of advancing the Council’s mission. Membership shall not be used to advance any outside personal, professional, or organizational gain, financial or otherwise.

B. All members of the Council will be active and involved participants, as described in Council policies and procedures. All Council members shall propose, evaluate, and judge all matters before the Council based on the best interest of the people the Council represents and the Council as a whole.

C. No member of the Council shall represent themselves as speaking on behalf of the Council unless specifically authorized to do so by the Executive Committee or the Council.

D. No Council member, designee, or non-member who participates in Council activities shall conduct themselves in a manner that either is or has the appearance of a conflict of interest or personal interest. Members must inform the Council when a conflict or a potential conflict exists, and take appropriate action including recusal on voting matters.

E. Any public statements made by members of the Council in the name of the Council shall reflect the positions of the Council as a whole. If the Council has adopted a position paper to articulate its position on any issue, public statements on such issue shall be in accordance with that position paper.

F. Council members and designees are expected to read the Department of Human Services’ Code of Ethics, the Uniform Ethics Code, and the Plain Language Guide to New Jersey’s Executive Branch Ethics Standards, and sign a statement annually that they will abide by those standards. There should be an annual briefing for all Council Members on the Code of Ethics.

G. As part of their orientation, new Council members will be instructed how to access the self-tutorial on the state ethics commission website. Council staff will provide assistance as needed.

H. Council members are considered Special State Officers and therefore must complete and file a Financial Disclosure Statement within 120 days of assuming office. Updated statements are due on May 15th of each subsequent year.