The New Jersey Council on Developmental Disabilities
The NJCDD addresses these needs through systems change and capacity-building efforts that promote self-determination, integration and inclusion for people with developmental disabilities
Today we’re going to math class. I know. I hear the collective groan. But United Cerebral Palsy recently released a report on how states are doing in terms of
There have been many attempts to standardize education since schooling for all children became mandatory in most Western countries. I have documented the experience I had as a child
I hear New Jersey is looking into augmenting its self-advocacy movement with some of the ideas and inspirations from the People First groups that have had success in other
The U.S. Supreme Court is hearing arguments about the strict use of IQ scores in determining whether some people convicted of capital crimes should be exempt from the death
There’s a case before the U.S. Supreme Court about direct care workers for people with disabilities and others who may need such services that could profoundly affect in-home supports.
I spoke with Liz Shea just before the holidays. For those of you who don’t know, she took over as Assistant Commissioner at the state Department of Human Services’
There was an article on the front page of the New York Times recently that tapped into a part of the big business that has engulfed disability. This one
Kansas is bringing in three national insurance companies to run services for people with developmental disabilities in that state. It’s the first time any state has ever applied this
Incidents of developmental disability are on the rise. Not just autism. ADHD is on the rise along with other incidents of developmental disability. Mental health and other health care
NJCDD Council member Regina Tegeler wrote two comments to the previous blog. One was about the theme of that blog on beginning a discussion about picking up the pieces