Right 1: You have a right to wear your own clothes.

  1. Wear your own clothes.
  2. Report any problems to your service coordinator, care provider and a friend.

Right 2: You have a right to keep and spend your money (P & I) for small purchases.

  1. Save and budget your money for the items you want and, save enough for items you need, like clothes.
  2. Spend your money wisely.
  3. Ask for IPP objectives to help with money management if needed.
  4. Report any problems to your service coordinator, care provider and a friend.

Right 3: You have a right to a safe place to keep your personal belongings.

  1. Ask your care provider to give you your space.
  2. Use storage space for your items only.
  3. Report problems to your service coordinator, care provider and a friend

Right 4: You have a right to have visitors every day. Where you are living is your home and you have the right to have guests.

  1. Let your care provider know you are expecting a guest.
  2. Assist in making your home presentable to your guest.
  3. Set visits to a reasonable amount of time.

Right 5: You have a right to make private phone calls and have people call you at home.

  1. Keep phone calls at a reasonable length.
  2. Pay for long distance calls.

Right 6: You have a right to write letters and receive letters that have not been opened. You must have access to paper, envelopes, and stamps if you want to write a letter.

  1. Ask care provider for stationary supplies.
  2. Purchase special stationary with P & I funds.
  3. Pay for postage with P & I funds.

Rights 7: You have a right to refuse electroconvulsive therapy (electroshock).

  1. Report to service coordinator and a friend if someone tries to hurt you.
  2. Do not give consent to something you do not like or understand.

Rights 8: You have a right to refuse behavior modification techniques that cause pain and trauma.

  1. Report to service coordinator and a friend if someone tries to hurt you.
  2. Do not give consent to something you do not like or understand.

Right 9: You have a right to refuse psychosurgery and all other surgery which is done for the purpose of brain modification.

  1. Do not give consent to something you do not like or understand.

Right 10: You have a right to choices in your life, including with whom you want to live, your relationships, how you spend your time, and the development of a plan that fits your needs and desires.

  1. You must spend some time thinking about what you want so that you can actively participate in your IPP
  2. You must let your service coordinator know