
With the right community support and resources, all New Jersey residents with intellectual and developmental disabilities can lead full and engaged lives alongside their neighbors, coworkers, classmates, and friends across the Garden State. Knowledge is power, and the NJCDD is here to give individuals and their families a roadmap to fuller community inclusion…because New Jersey is Our Home Too!

Through the “New Jersey is My Home Too!” campaign, we hope to show that a vibrant and inclusive community is possible for everyone, at any age and in every corner of New Jersey.

Below, explore our series of virtual panel discussions, where individuals with developmental disabilities share their experiences and insights as active New Jersey community members:

“I am your Coworker…and New Jersey is My Home Too!”
Developmental Disabilities Employment

People with intellectual and developmental disabilities have dreams, goals, and drive like anyone else. They deserve opportunities to grow as professionals, pursue engaging work, and build toward a fulfilling future. Resources on the local, state, and federal level can help turn employment dreams into reality.

In our first virtual panel, the NJCDD’s Employment Services Coordinator, Adam Kubler, welcomes New Jersey self advocates Robert Jackson, Gianna Morello, and Ryan Roy to talk about their experiences in the workplace and goals for the future. Watch the full discussion below as these advocates share the resources that helped them on the road to employment, along with their advice to other individuals with disabilities hoping to land a job of their own.

Disability Employment Resources

Are you interested in taking a more active role in your community? The NJCDD is here to help!

Contact Us

Adam Kubler
Employment Services Coordinator

“I am your Neighbor…and New Jersey is My Home Too!” Navigating the Disability Services System for Non-English Speakers

New Jersey is a diverse state, with residents from many different cultures and backgrounds. However, navigating a complex developmental disabilities service system can be challenging for those from diverse backgrounds, who don’t speak English, or simply don’t know where to start. The NJCDD is working with diverse groups across the state to build toward more culturally-competent supports for all New Jersey residents.

In this discussion of our “New Jersey is My Home Too” panel series, delivered entirely in Spanish, Javier Robles sits down with New Jersey residents Kevin Núñez, Iris Rivera, and Suri Hernandez to share some of the challenges and solutions they’ve encountered while seeking culturally appropriate and accessible disability services for themselves and their loved ones.

“Soy tu vecino…y New Jersey también es mi hogar!” Cómo navegar por el sistema de servicios para discapacitados para personas que no hablan inglés

Nueva Jersey es un estado diverso, con residentes de muchas culturas y orígenes diferentes. Sin embargo, navegar por un sistema complejo de servicios para discapacitados del desarrollo puede ser un desafío para quienes tienen orígenes diversos, no hablan inglés o simplemente no saben por dónde empezar. El NJCDD está trabajando con diversos grupos en todo el estado para desarrollar apoyos más culturalmente competentes para todos los residentes de Nueva Jersey.

En esta discusión de nuestra serie de paneles “Nueva Jersey también es mi hogar”, presentada completamente en español, Javier Robles se sienta con los residentes de Nueva Jersey Kevin Núñez, Iris Rivera y Suri Hernández para compartir algunos de los desafíos y soluciones que han encontrado al buscar servicios para discapacitados culturalmente apropiados y accesibles para ellos y sus seres queridos.

Are you interested in taking a more active role in your community? The NJCDD is here to help!

Contact Us

Jade Pollock
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Liaison

Javier Robles
Assistant Teaching Professor, Director, Center for Disability Sports, Health and Wellness

Disability Resources