The President’s Role in a People First Meeting
- Leads the meetings.
- Asks the Secretary to take roll call or introduce each member.
- Asks the Secretary to read the minutes for the last meeting.
- Leads the talk about old business and new business.
- Introduces the program for the meeting.
- Guides the voting.
- Adjourns the meeting (closes the meeting.)
The Secretary’s Role in a People First Meeting
- Needs to be able to give the review the previous minutes and take minutes for the current meeting.
- If your chapter has introductions, the Secretary should check off the names as people introduce themselves.
- He or she reads the minutes of the last meeting. The minutes are notes of what happened at the last meeting.
- Takes notes of what happens in the meeting.
- If the President and the Vice President are absent, the Secretary leads the meeting.
- Should keep a list of the chapter members, their addresses and phone numbers.
The Vice President’s Role in a People First Meeting
- Leads the meetings when the president is absent.
- Helps the president in the meetings when asked.
- Goes to the officer’s meeting to help plan the agenda for the chapter meeting.