Supportive Housing Association
Building the Foundation for Housing Opportunities for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
The goal of this project is to advance New Jersey’s practices and performance in the provision of community-based housing for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Building on work completed in Year 1 and Year 2 of this effort, the Supportive Housing Association (SHA) will research and write a best practices report. Based on work in New Jersey and other states, the report will include specific recommendations to improve the housing and service delivery system in New Jersey and produce sustainable change.
They will also develop resources on key topics such as smart home technology, individual budgets, employment, and rental vouchers. To make information more accessible, SHA will create video tours of housing models and companion interviews with individuals with I/DD, and will design and format new digital resources in both English and Spanish. Lastly, they will create a new web page to be the repository on housing-related resources. Working with consumers and families, legislators, and community and governmental leaders SHA will develop a comprehensive advocacy plan, with recommendations for public policy intended to increase capacity for housing and supportive services, and will formulate an advocacy plan detailing a strategy for achieving specific policy recommendations.
Visit the SHA Housing Hub for valuable resources.
Download here Building the Foundation for Housing, Services, and Supports: Best Practices Opportunities for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities