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Satisfaction/Awareness of Developmental Disability Organizations & Agencies Survey coTraducción al Español
April 15, 2024
Do You Know the Developmental Disability Agencies Available to You?
In recognition of Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month, the New Jersey Council on Developmental Disabilities and the Ombudsman’s Office for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities and their Families are excited to launch a survey to assess individuals with disabilities and their families’ awareness and satisfaction with several organizations. These government agencies are committed to providing services, education, and advocacy for the developmental disability community. Your participation in this survey will help the participating agencies and organizations identify areas for improvement, so we can all do better to meet the needs of this community.
This survey is available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Korean, Chinese, and Gujarati. See below for the links to the specific language.
English- Survey Here
Spanish- Survey Here
Portuguese- Survey Here
Korean- Survey Here
Chinese- Survey Here
Gujarati- Survey Here
¿Conoce las agencias de discapacidad del desarrollo disponibles para usted?
Esta encuesta está disponible en inglés, español, coreano, portugués, chino y gujarati. Consulte a continuación los enlaces al idioma específico.
English- Survey Here
Spanish- Survey Here
Portuguese- Survey Here
Korean- Survey Here
Chinese- Survey Here
Gujarati- Survey Here
Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre la encuesta o si necesita ayuda para completarla, comuníquese con Kerry McGrath en kerry.mcgrath@njcdd.org o (609)-984-4516. Un intérprete en vivo está disponible a pedido.